I can't tell you just how much I LOVE this stuff!
Green tea and lemon juice not only taste delicious together, but the lemon juice enhances the green tea health benefits.
Rich in antioxidants, the ingredients have wide ranging beneficial effects from lowering cholesterol to preventing tooth decay to an association with lower cancer and heart disease rates. Both green tea and lemon juice can help with rheumatic and arthritic issues.
These are great reasons to try this drink, but there are two reasons that I make and drink two cups of this every single day: it speeds your metabolism and it (appears) to aid recovery after exercise.
There's a reason I've nicknamed this my "skinny juice"! I'm sure (in my completely unscientific sample of one and in the presence of numerous other variables!) that drinking this every day shed the kilos. Dr Oz lists it as one of his top three picks for melting away your belly fat.
Finding a post workout pick up whilst sugar free is not very easy. Yay for skinny juice! This is so thirst quenching and really gives you a lift, I go straight for the jug in the fridge when I finish a run or a bike ride. On long runs I freeze it in a rollup water bottle and take one or two sips when I eat every half hour or so.
There's a number of good articles, basically advocating similar drinks (e.g. Yahoo article and Active article) on recovery drinks. Note that both recommend Green Tea and I think that the green tea/lemon/honey combo pretty much fits the basic recommendations (although a bit of protein in some form is often beneficial depending on what you've been eating during your long run). I am thinking about adding coconut water to a stronger green tea lemonade prior to freezing to increase the electrolyte content of my long run drink. I will provide updates of this experiment and results!
I've tweaked the recipe from Dr Oz's somewhat - the principles remain the same - it's a matter of experimenting until you've found what suits your tastes. See my recipe here ... skinny juice
Intelligent Biped is a forum for discussing ideas, issues and solutions with a focus on our inherent human characteristics of cleverness and kindness. This forum is called "intelligent biped" because I believe kindness and cleverness to be interdependent at a biological level. Simply put, bipedal animals can't have big brains without fundamental kindness and nurturing. This forum will share and discuss issues, ideas and solutions that use and enhance our inherent cleverness and kindness amongst the chaos of everyday life.
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